Weberfloor 535 FD is a premium fast-drying, high-strength, low-shrinking, self-leveling cementitious underlayment flooring compound. Ideal for internal applications, it efficiently smooths and levels differences in thickness from 2 to 30 mm on new or existing substrates. This compound features excellent covering properties, allowing the installation of all types of flooring just 24 hours after application. It is highly resistant to loads and abrasion, making it perfect for areas subjected to wheel activity from trolleys and chairs. Weberfloor 535 FD sets quickly, enabling light traffic after just 3-4 hours, depending on thickness and site conditions.
Key Features:
•Exceptional self-leveling properties
•Rapid coverage
•Light traffic allowed after 4 hours
•High compressive and flexural strength
•Pumpable for ease of use
Things to Consider:
•Ensure substrate moisture content does not exceed 4%
•Substrate must be clean, sound, repaired, and primed
•Suitable for pumping using the correct pumpable machine
•Use an aluminum large trowel to remove air bubbles
•Install soft strips for thicknesses above 5mm as separators between walls, columns, and floors
•Fix control joints every 50 m²
•Not suitable for external substrates or wet conditions
•Maximum applicable thickness is 30 mm